jeudi 29 septembre 2011

Obsessions and compulsions - What are they?

Obsessive compulsive disorder is a condition in which a person is filled with anxiety. One of the hallmarks of this disorder is that the unwanted thoughts that are disturbing and do certain things over and over again. Their behavior is presented in the way of their daily lives. They have very peculiar patterns of behavior that is repetitive in nature. Although many of them know that their obsessions and compulsions are not what they mean unless you can not get rid of them lead a normal life. It is impossible to ignore.

People who suffer from OCD generally nervous and terrified. Adopt a certain behavior to get rid of the feeling. The standard rules of behavior are self-made. They feel that their nervousness is gone and you feel better for a while. The ritual begins again after a short time as the feeling of excitement again. These patterns are called compulsion.

Obsessions are the feelings that arise in the mind of the victim. These are the ideas and impulses that run through the mind of a person suffering from OCD. Sometimes these thoughts just come and go where there are times when the thoughts do not leave.
Some of the most common obsessions are:

• You feel upset if things are kept in order.
• Fear of dirt and germs.
• Require constant comfort.

Some of the most common compulsions are:

• Washing hands and cleaning, showers and brushing teeth over and over again.
• Always in search of tranquility.
• Organization of thing all the time.

There really is no recognizable cause for OCD. It affects both men and women in uniform. There are other diseases that are associated with OCD. In the United States there are only 2.3% of the population between the ages of 18 and 54 who suffer from OCD. 

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