jeudi 29 septembre 2011

Cognitive behavioral therapy for patients with OCD

A combination of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and medication for patients with OCD has been found to be beneficial. Cognitive behavioral therapy is a form of therapy that the patient has to recognize and challenge the thoughts that are irrational and then having to change their behavior. It has proven an effective treatment. People who suffer from this disorder have found that about 60% to 80% have reduced symptoms after undergoing cognitive behavioral therapy. Patient participation is very necessary to enjoy the benefits of therapy. OCD patients are often reluctant to undergo cognitive behavioral therapy. There are different types of cognitive-behavioral therapies and the most appropriate of the same for patients with OCD is called exposure and response prevention.

Traditional psychotherapy only improves the psychological state to get a glimpse of the problem that is beneficial at a later time when the patient has recovered to some extent.

The form of therapy involves exposing the patient to the images, thoughts and objects that make them anxious. Response prevention, as its name suggests, is to refrain from doing things that makes the ritual of the patient when faced with the anxiety of the creation of situations. The success of therapy depends on the commitment of the patient. There may be opposition to this form of therapy that the patient has to overcome the rampant anxiety about the power outage will be. Over a period of anxiety begins to diminish. CBT patients learn to manage or control your OCD problems for the rest of their lives and can lead a normal life.

The alarm system has been taken by the disorder and often send false alarms and threatens the person's normal life. 

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